Thursday, January 17, 2013


B     M    S
    U     P    #4

  • John, (my brother who lives in Boston with his wife, Katie,) said when I saw him in October at a our cousin's wedding, "Woah, I never thought I'd see you fat!" He came home for Christmas break and could not stop staring at me. It was pretty cute, but so obvious and funny to me. When he called on my birthday, we were talking about how old I was and how YOUNG he is, (27). He said, "Wow, you get to be 35 and pack on the pounds!," I said, "I've gained less than 15 pounds!" and he said, "No way! It looks like you've gained 30!" ONLY baby brothers can get away with this type of abuse!
  • Katie was funny too. She was amazed in October at how "hard, yet bouncy" my belly was. Over Christmas she asked how big the baby was. I told her about 2 pounds and she said, "What is all the other stuff?" Like, if that's all the baby weighs, why is your belly SO BIG! It made me laugh! I hope they have kids pretty soon.
  • I was the one to say, "are you going to eat that?" and finished Brant's plate of food for the first time during dinner the other night!
  • There was a mother with her 3 month old baby boy at Graham's gymnastics showcase. When I got there, I sat down and Lainey came over to sit on my lap. She pointed sideways to the lady and said in a funny, discreet voice, "Aunt Polly, you're going to have one of those guys soon." Apparently, she has told this other mother all about me too.
  • And some memorable ones from my students...Isabella, first grader: "So will the doctor put you to sleep when he takes the baby out?" Me: "No, I'll be awake." Isabella: "Woah, that's gonna hurt WORSE than the FLU SHOT!"
  • Madison, kindergartener: "When is your baby coming out?" Me: "In March." Her: "So, you'll go home in March and have the boy take you to the hospital?" Me: "Right."
  • A sweet first grade girl wanted to read out loud to the baby after school today. It was her library book, and baby kicked several times, which she appreciated. She read Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.
I am trying to read to him as much as possible. I do read aloud at work several times a day. I've only read about 8 books to him at home while sitting in the rocking chair. I also try to get Lacey in there to get used to our spending time in there. Charlie snoops around in his room too.
After work today I went to Graham's gymnastics showcase. He loves performing just as much as his sister does, but he hams it up some! Then we walked down and watched Lainey's dance class in the same shopping center building. So glad we live so close. Jen's blog:
Brant has been putting our new flooring down every evening this week. It seems to be taking forever, but I really like it and he's doing a great job. He and I got home at about the same time today. He discovered a leaking something or other in the laundry room last night. He is working on that now. Ahh, home ownership. Makes me miss apartment life. I am very thankful and proud that my man can and will do these things!

67 days until my due date!
30 weeks today!

Doctor appointment went well Monday. We're up to bi-monthly appointments now!
Heart rate was 136/129ish. He told me what his guess of the position of the baby was and why, which was cool. Brant said tonight, "Woah, it seems like it's gotten so much bigger just in the past 2 weeks! That's a big boy! He's gonna help me with all these projects." : )

1 comment:

  1. Aww this blog post made me tear up for some reason =) 66 days is going to fly by!
