Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Things Come in Small Packages

 It's the little things...

I didn't see this picture or know Brant took it until a couple of days ago. He took it with his phone right after Jeffrey Lee was whisked away to the NICU. So sweet.  

I didn't post any going home pictures the other day! Here he is for his first car ride. Tiny little peanut!

Lainey has learned to crochet and made this bracelet for me when we were in the hospital. The card read, "For the new mom in the family." It's perfect for remembering which side I fed on last. It's comfortable, I can sleep in it and push it up to wash my hands a million times a day!

Graham loves babies. He still has not met Jeffrey, which is so strange, but we are being really careful about any illnesses. They've had minor colds and coughs recently. He made this paper doll Baby Jeffrey.

 Our family still gets together every year to dye Easter eggs on Good Friday, after the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. More on Jen's blog: We did not make it to Mom's house today for the celebrating, (being cautious,) but they made eggs for all of us and sent us pictures. This one says "for the new mom"


 Jeff's Daddy/Uncle Brant

Jen and Mark said they made "Aunt Jen" and "Uncle Mark" eggs for the first time too!


Sweet Hannah made me a wonderful duct tape bag. I loved hers so much, I asked her to make me one. Duct tape everything is very popular with kids and I love all the prints! It's perfect timing for a great diaper bag!

Jeffrey Lee is almost 6 pounds! We are doing great! Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Now I really know why my sister's blog is titled "Tierd." I am TI-ERD! This is hard work and with no sleep! Overall, we are doing very well. We had a great doctors appointment yesterday. Jeffrey is gaining weight, lost his umbilical cord, all the normal stuff. We are trying to figure out if he might have a digestive problem with dairy, so I am cutting all dairy out of my diet to see if it makes him a little less fussy during feedings. We had a big week last week; first sponge bath, nail clipping, (I cut his finger and cried more than he did,) and continuing to get to know one another. Everyone says "better get your sleep now," before the baby comes, but dang, they REALLY meant it! Even so soon after delivery and with no sleep, would I do it again? Yes, definitely. It's kind of like riding a scary roller coaster, not knowing what to expect. When you get off, you want to do it again! (Not that I'm ready, but I would be ready someday!) I love him so, so much!

All Clean!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An Amazing Journey

For me, pregnancy has been an amazing and wonderful experience. I thank God everyday for the opportunity to share my body with this baby. At 37 weeks, it is getting a little crowded and uncomfortable, but not yet unbearable. I am sure when the time is right, I will be ready. However, I do anticipate some degree of sadness when he is no longer safely inside me. What a miracle life is and how lucky I am to have experienced it in this way. I love him so much already. I know I will be overcome with emotion when I get to hold him in my arms.

Hospital bag is packed!
This awesome bag was from my 2nd grade team. It came full of baby goodies I didn't know we needed-recommendations from some wonderful mommies and friends.

Friday, March 1, 2013

New Camera!

We have a lot of learning ahead with our new camera, but these are the first shots... just playing around.

Uncle Willie made the cut in the nursery right next to the 1888 Texas Rangers of Waco, TX!

Mommy's nightstand reading
Daddy's nightstand reading
Baby's night time reading

Lacey got a new toy tonight!
36 Week Bellyshot!