Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015!

     We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and morning at Lolly's house! We are so glad we went and risked it even after the nurse practitioner scared me with all her questions and said if it were her she wouldn't go! It's a good thing I saw my doctor in the hall and asked him his opinion!
     Lolly's church is always so beautiful. It was a long Methodist service with a 2 year old! Jeffrey actually did very well, but it was a little stressful, especially when the candles were lit and he wanted one or wanted to touch one! I think he liked the group readings and repeated out loud, "Hosanna in the highest!" twice. We all appreciated that Hannah took him up front for "children's church." (That Hannah is SO grown up and SO thoughtful. Incredible kids, all three of them.) After church, we had a tamale dinner and Jeffrey and I went to BED so that Santa could come.
     Jeffrey had to wait a very long time for the big kids to wake up and begin the festivities. He finally got into the living room to see what Santa brought. He was so good about looking and not touching until the other kids arrived. We ate breakfast casseroles and breads and opened presents. Lolly had us all laughing so hard with her Christmas eve gifts and "choose and number between" antics! It was a great Christmas and I am so glad we went! It was definitely a "Lightning McQueen and Mater Christmas" for Jeffrey!
     I had feelings that the baby would come before Christmas mostly because it's the exact same time Jeffrey was born, (37 1/2 weeks,) but we made it! 2 days before Christmas I was 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Now I'm feeling more and more pains and beginning contractions! Baby is on his way!





Thursday, December 24, 2015

Pre-Christmas Celebrations!

     Our Christmas celebrations started with decorating the tree the day after Thanksgiving and our huge stack of Christmas books! Last year I wrapped 25 of them and used them as an advent/present opening practice. This year I decided not to wrap them. Jeffrey began to have favorites and read some over and over at bedtime and throughout the days. Brant and I received Jeffrey's first "school" Christmas gift, "Jeffrey's Mistletoes" framed footprint. He brought several cute art projects home from school that are all around the house. Jeffrey exchanged gifts with his buddy Grayson at Chick-fil-A one morning. Grayson's little brother is 5 weeks old. Ashley and I had a lot to catch up on!
     Jeffrey's got Christmas. If you ask him why we have Christmas, he says "Jesus," or "Jesus birthday." He also understands Santa and I have reminded him of the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" a lot. I tell him he needs to "cooperate= help Mama" frequently. It's been very hard trying not to pick him up. Redirection takes a lot of time and patience. I have to plan on leaving the house about 15 minutes earlier than usually necessary with this almost 3 year old and very pregnant mama!
     One afternoon was particularly difficult. He refused to take a nap, turning on lights, getting out of bed. I looked on the monitor and he took off his pants and diaper. Then, he began to rip pages out of a favorite book, (something he has NEVER, EVER done before!) I could hear it and saw it on the monitor. He told me it's okay Santa won't come and won't bring Monster Truck Mater. Woah. What happened to my sweet angel!? One minute I am so pleased and proud. The next can be like this! I know it's normal, but I am SO incredibly tired with very little sleep for 6 weeks now. Looking back at the texting between Brant and I from that day is pretty funny.
     We celebrated with my side of the family on the 23rd. Brant and Jeffrey met Lee for the first time. He is such a precious baby! Jeffrey and I went over to Gigi's house in the morning and "helped" make cookies. Jeffrey took a nap and I had a doctor appointment. That afternoon/night we had hung out with the Hopkins and Goldens, ate Mom's delicious lasagna and exchanged gifts. Jeffrey was happy with the first gift of great wooden trains from the Goldens and would have been content to go home. Then he got a Radiator Springs race track from the Hopkins and couldn't put the box down. He asked me if it was a potty present. He was ok with not opening it until we got home. He laid down on the floor staring at the box. We got lots of great gifts for baby and are ready to go!



Chef Jeff making Christmas cookies!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Woah, BABY!

     This baby is getting BIG and I'm not gonna lie, it's getting rough! About a month ago, I started having trouble sleeping and it's only gotten worse. My hips hurt incredibly bad when lying down and you can only lie on your sides at this point. I am so tired. I feel like I already have a newborn. I am incredibly emotional too! We were walking through our neighbor's Christmas light extravaganza and I just started boo-hooing in their front yard. I was thinking about how sweet it is that this man or this couple goes to this trouble and probably peeks out every once in a while at strangers enjoying themselves and they even provided hot chocolate this year at a self-serve table. I really need to write them a letter like I've meant to for the past 4 years. I cried while watching the Polar Express-when Santa comes and the elves and kids are so excited because it brings so much joy, wonder, excitement. I love the imagination and wonder of it all! When I cry, Jeffrey says, "Mama, are you happy?" and I have explain to him that it's ok to cry, etc. He is such a sweet and caring kid. There is a lot to complain about during this ninth month of pregnancy and it is hard and I do want to remember that because a third is not happenin'! It is still such an amazing joy and I am really, really excited and feel incredibly thankful.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Jeff Knows...

A few things from the past month I want to remember!...
  • Jeffrey knows our names without any kind of lesson from us, one day while chatting on the potty, "Daddy's name is Bant." I said, "What's my name?" he said, "Pa-yee." I had first graders who didn't know their parent's names, so I was impressed.
  • I had my first Dr. Pepper in 6 months and let J have a sip. The next time we were going out to dinner with Daddy he said, "Do they have some brown water for you there?"
  • If we don't know something, anything, "We have to look it up on the puter..." even his friend's names at school
  • He loves school and the transition was incredibly easy for him. He has done so well and I am so proud of him. One day his teacher told me he covers his ears in chapel and sometimes cries. After a talk about it and a little getting used to all the children in one place, he's done just fine. Now his teacher says he sings and dances!
  • "Whaddaya doin' there?"
  • "I think we need to go to the local library," after hearing on PBS, "find this show/books at your local library."
  • Margo is the name of the woman who cuts his hair. J told me when we were going to get a haircut, "Margo is going to put my hair down."
  • "Beans, beans, the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you...BURP!"
  • Giving us plastic or imaginary food from little toy kitchen saying, "I put pepperoni on it," as he shakes the empty pepper canister
  • When asked what the baby's name would be, he said the first and middle name that we are thinking about. We've only talked about it in front of him a couple of times, not directly to him and without being sure...He knows and listens and HEARS everything!
  • "Look what I dooed!"
  • Coughing or falling down, "but I'm ok! I'm ok!"
  • Beelwarrow (a wheelbarrow Christmas decoration)
  • Hearing Lacey bark in the backyard, "Lacy is saying, 'Where's my Jeffrey Boy?'"
  • While I was looking at my Baylor magazine and another time when pointing to Daddy's Crossfit shirt, "I'm going to go there when I get older"
  • December 9 and I am finished shopping, presents wrapped, all is ready in case baby comes early!
  • "Jesus is the Star of Christmas!"
Jeffrey pulled his little chair out to the garage one night after his Daddy got home from work and replaced a bulb in his headlight. What a curious, great little helper! Love this pic!