Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Giving Thanks

     We are so incredibly fortunate and thankful for where we are and what we have. I love being pregnant. It's the best feeling in the world. I am thankful for every movement I can feel the baby make, which is so often now-just about every time I sit down. I am often reminded of when I was very little going to the library each week with my mom. She was ahead of her time with knowledge of "self-selection" and let me choose A Child is Born over and over for years, ( I have always been fascinated with babies and the whole process. I wanted to be a "baby doctor" when I grew up.
     I am thankful for my very supportive husband. I am thankful for our loving families. Mom had a mini Thanksgiving dinner Monday night and Jen, the kids and I had a slumber party at her house. We had a good visit with Brant's side at the ranch in George West. I got to hold baby Garrett and he fell asleep on my chest. When I sat down he rearranged and cuddled up around my belly. Precious baby. We spent the night in Jourdanton with Brant's family and had a good visit there too. I am thankful for our home and look forward to it being even more filled with love.
     This year is the first for our compromise of a fake Christmas tree and it is beautiful. Charlie sure likes it! I did inside Christmas-ing Sunday evening while Brant hung lights outside. We bought our first furniture for the nursery-shelves for the MANY BOOKS this child already has! During my Thanksgiving week off, Lacey got to go to the dog park twice to see her long lost friends from the summer. She'll be one year old on December 9. So thankful for all we have.

Inside and outside Christmas-ing 2012 in progress

Charlie enjoying the tree!

Lacey almost 1 year old!

23 weeks tomorrow!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


 B    M    S
   U     P     #3
  • 2nd grader walking past me, "Why do pregnant women get so fat? My mom got fat two times and she still is." It made it even funnier that one of our IT guys from central office was helping me during this comment from one of my favorite, smart, Asperger/autistic 2nd grade boys.
  • Kindergartner: "When the baby comes out, you're going to get younger." Yet he couldn't explain this to me.  
  • What a blessing it is to have all these little angels around. Brant and I were talking about how it gives me a unique perspective that I don't think even pregnant classroom teachers get. 
  • Brant and I went furniture and stroller shopping today. Furniture shopping is the worst kind of shopping there is. Then off to Babies R Us to look at and learn about strollers. Brant got into it. I am confused by all the choices!!! We are relying heavily on Consumer Reports and they better be right!

Saturday morning relax time before the gym

    21 weeks! Only 130 days to go!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Beautiful Boy is Halfway Here!!!

Our appointment was Monday and it was amazing! Brant and I both had many questions for the ultrasound tech, (of course, I had a ton for the doctor too.) The u/s tech took about 30 minutes measuring and looking. I kept saying, "This is amazing!" I know most mothers are as excited as if it is the first baby ever born, but I really do think it is extra special or somehow different for us because we were so scared we weren't ever going to get here! I am enjoying it so much. Baby Burris is doing very well, 71st percentile, 12 ounces as of now. We are SO BLESSED. 
Numbered pictures:
1. During the ultrasound Brant noticed how long his toes looked, "He has my toes!" I missed what he saw, so the tech tried to get the foot again and the baby was so active, he could hardly catch it again. You can see the bones of the foot in this one, as well as the spine and jaw. 
2. "I'm a boy" shot.
3. Better boy view. I like the shin bones with legs bent and the tiny butt cheeks. 
4. I just love this one. I think it looks playful. He almost sucked his thumb while we watched-kept putting his hand up to his face. 
This is what halfway looks like for us on the outside!
I can feel him now and KNOW it is him.
Great feeling.

Friday, November 2, 2012

19 weeks, Brant Feeling Baby & Halloween!

 19 weeks!
November 4: Brant's parents came up and took us to dinner last night. We had a good visit. 
This morning, (Sunday,) Brant and I were relaxing, drinking our coffee on the couch, (yes, I have one cup a day!) I have been putting Brant's hand on my belly when I can feel the baby and this time HE FINALLY FELT IT!  Woo-Hoo! It was like the baby knew we were talking about him. He kept on moving around and Brant could feel it! Exciting! Big ultrasound tomorrow! Can't wait to see him again.
We celebrated Halloween and Mark's 40th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Uncle Mark!