Friday, May 29, 2015


     We grew up going to the quadrangle at Ft. Sam Houston and I suppose Jeffrey will too! This is his second visit. It is such a beautiful, peaceful and historical place. We got to see a peacock spread it's feathers, feed the ducks and geese and watch Jeffrey attempt to climb trees.

 He loves to pick up sticks, just like Lainey used to do!
Cute pic checking out this guy.

Watching the procession of horses
 He enjoyed his very first Whataburger on the way home and almost ate the whole thing. Whataburger is my favorite, so he will be having more!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

"Hi, Guys!"

  • It's what Jeffrey says as he comes into the room where Brant and I are. "Hi, guys!"
  • He says "Mmmm, it's SO GOOD!" with such enthusiasm when eating
  • He loves real puzzles. He has three 28-piece puzzles that he works on over and over. It amazes me.
  • He moves his little red chairs to climb on and turn on light switches, climb on our tall bed and even to try to get a knife out of the block on the counter while trying to open something, (moved it.) 
  • Jeffrey is very much into dinosaurs since his cousins gave them their collection. He sorts them and can name a few.
  • He says, "I love it!" when looking at certain books.
  • When browsing at the library, he looks at the spines of the books with extreme care. Very selective when choosing. (He also loves to look at the movies, which can get to be a problem, because he's only allowed to get one a week.)
  • He closes the door after himself when going out to the backyard-(pretty awesome)
  • He can say his name pretty clearly. I thought it would be a hard one and he'd be 4 before he could say it!
  • He says "yes m'am" on occasion...I can't decide if I want to be a stickler about that or be a stickler about it yet.
  • All my bras are "swimsuits"
     Jeffrey finally had his 2-year check up and I didn't have any concerns going in or coming out, thank God! The doctor and I had great discussions about him and what we're doing. Jeffrey and I prepared by playing doctor because he's been fighting the look in the mouth and ears part. Now he talks about Dr. Fischer looking at his body parts at least once a day.
     Our schedule is pretty simple: Mondays-grocery store and any other necessary errands, Tuesdays-zoo or  playdates, Wednesdays-Bible Study (Jeffrey loves going and playing with Thomas the train and seeing his friends,) Thursdays-Library Toddler time and sometimes Gigi's house for the afternoon, Fridays-flexible for playdates, but mostly stay home and clean, do laundry, etc. Everyday, nap 1-3ish. We go on lots of walks and walk to the park in the afternoons. I look forward to the pool warming up and going after nap and before dinner like we did last year. We keep it simple.
     We went to Jourdanton for Mother's Day to celebrate with Lolly and Gram. We had a wonderful lunch, blew bubbles, played, read and went to the ranchito to visit Grandpa's cows and feed the fish.

First pool day of the season! This picture cracks me up because Aunt Shari said, "It looks like he saw his first Speedo." The water was COLD!
Opening of the "NU WHYBWARY!"
 How I TRIED to do some morning yard work, (weed eating). It lasted about 20 minutes.
 Making birthday cookies for Gram

 Lots of fun!!! Mmm, yummy yum! and SO GOOD!
(He's a great pretender!)
Sitting with Bo at Lainey's drama performance (I was too far to get a good one of Lainey, but she's an awesome performer!)
 J's favorite part about Target
 We finally turned the carseat around last week!
 Alice (AZA) and I had such a fun Saturday night out at Floores Country Store. It had been too long!
 Gigi took Lainey and me to see Annie!

Ice cream on the riverwalk
 Jeffrey and Brant went to Gram and Grandpa's

 Lainey and Bo Spend-the-night
 Funny faces


 Enjoying a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Doc's River