Thursday, January 16, 2014

Babies in America

     We hosted a playdate at our house on Tuesday. These are so much fun. They used to be all about us supporting each other, getting advice and watching the babies. Now, the babies are getting so active, we're looking for other activities to do with them. Our next one will be at our park to feed the ducks and play on the baby playground instead of just within our home. We did have a great time though!

     This morning, we met our friends Candy and Baby Alexis at the zoo. We walked and talked and looked at the animals on this beautiful day. After they left, Jeffrey and I stayed and watched the train in the park while he drank his bottle and ate his food. So glad we have same-age baby friends we can do things with!
     My sister-in-law recommended a documentary called "Babies" to me. It is so interesting. It follows babies through their first year+ in four different places in the world; Mongolia, Namibia Africa, Japan and San Francisco. As I listen to my baby talking himself to sleep on the monitor, I ponder all these different circumstances, none of which are wrong. Things like how the African woman wiped the newborn's poop off on her knee and "cleaned" it from herself with a dried corn husk. I noticed in their mom groups, (baby "playdates" in all the places,) none of the mothers were overweight, except for in America. Three out of four had cats and all treated them so differently, (our cat would never allow the pulling and tugging!) All the babies crawled at some point and noticed their "private parts." It was neat to see them putting things on their head, all being silly, mumbling, playing with their lips, sounds and saying Mama in their own ways as the first of their words. I didn't know they would sing Happy Birthday in Japan just like we do! It shows the San Francisco baby cleaning a banana and the African family cleaning an animal to eat. And bathing is a completely different ritual all around! How independent babies are able to be! What a treat! Thank you, Shari for this recommendation!

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