Saturday, January 11, 2014

10 Months Old!

     Jeffrey is already 10 months old! Soon it will be time to plan a birthday party! He is coming into his own personality for sure. He is so much fun, but very apprehensive at times. Kristina gave him a peek-boo-teddy bear for Christmas that he does not know what to make of and it startles him some. I'm sure he'll be the kid who absolutely hates people in costume. I was the same way... I get it. There has been so much growth this month. I keep having to come back and add to this post! Jeffrey has begun doing the hand motions with songs we sing and participates in library time rhymes and watches the book being read. He loves a song I learned in elementary school and have sung to him since the beginning, "Skinamarinky Dinky Dink" and opens and shuts his hands. He does this hand movement for "all done" when finished eating too, which is close to the real sign. He dances mostly with his head and neck, he gives precious little "head butts" and tenderly bumps our foreheads with his, (he love this with an Eskimo kiss included.) He waves goodbye, growls like a bear, gives high fives and claps a lot. He likes to go backward and got up under his crib, under the dust ruffle the other day, which frightened him. It was dark under there! Mostly he scoots a little and goes back to a sitting position over and over or he pulls with both arms to get from A to B. He is more interested in pulling up on everything, (we had to lower the crib this month.) His top two teeth and his bottom two teeth are all coming in at once now, (we're thinking the amber teething necklace really works and don't want to be without it!) We still try to go at least one place each day to "see some people." If we don't, we're both a little off. He loves his Little People Barn that Shari and her family gave him for Christmas. The animal noises crack him up and he carries the sheep around with him to chew on. Jen gave him some awesome sound blocks he loves to shake too. When reading, he still likes to touch each page and now he's starting to turn the pages and turns them the right direction! As with most babies, EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. We just can't avoid it, even at library babytime and other activities, oh well! He's taking 2-3 naps a day and likes his veggies and meat, (yay!) and is loving yogurt. This past month was a big one with lots of firsts and special family time. Happy 10 months, little bean!

He points to me a lot! "I got you!"

 Feeding the ducks at the park on this beautiful day!

Big boy car seat!

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