Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lacey!

We love this doggie! Happy Birthday, Lacey!

By the way, aren't these the most adorable little, tiny crocs!? Thank you, Carolyn, Jessica, Adrian and Anne!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday Lacey!
    Not a fan of crocs... but BABY CROCS ARE ADORABLE!! =)

    1. I am NOT a fan of crocs either. I've never had a pair, but these are the cutest things ever. They were hanging from a line on the mantle with sock monkey clothes and hat at one of my showers. Love them, but can't seem to keep them on! I LOVE THAT YOU comment here. I'm sorry I'm not great at responding. I will try to be better!

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