Monday, November 11, 2013

8 Months Old!

Jeffrey is 8 months old today! He is so much fun and has got a sense of humor already! When we try to get him to "say Dada," he blows raspberries, (it's always been he and Daddy's thing and Jeffrey's been mimicking it since he was pretty new.) It's so funny now because he associates this sound with Daddy ALL the time. When Daddy comes home from work, when saying goodnight, etc, it's raspberries! Another thing is that each time I open a dirty diaper to be changed, he laughs hysterically. We went to the Kiddie Park for a friend's two-year-old birthday party and to Wurstfest on Saturday. Both were great fun and he seemed to have a great time, no fuss!

 First carousel ride at the Kiddie Park


 This is the outfit (pjs) I gave Brant when I found out Jeffrey was a boy! (It was different for us than for most-I learned over the phone after the MaterniT21 test because I am of "advanced maternal age!" See: One of those really great days... I went straight to Babies-R-Us and got this and a cute card and a football outfit and a baby Astros jacket!) I didn't think it'd fit him so soon! and he's almost outgrowing it! He's LONG!!!

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