Sunday, September 23, 2012

13 weeks

It's fun to know the gender and keep it between Brant and me for now! Our families are so anxious to find out! Brant's not so sure that was a good idea. I see it as anticipation building to a fun opportunity to tell them, (especially since we couldn't initially tell them about the pregnancy in a fun way!) We're going to invite all that can make it to our house for a gender reveal. Unless I can think of more/other ways, I am going to make cupcakes with gender-colored filling in the center, (pink or blue.) It'll be fun! I went to a few resale shops yesterday, just to check out what those are like. I was impressed with one and actually bought 4 more items for the baby! Nice stuff for pennies! That's the way to do it! (I am a Golden!!!)
Don't be afraid to create a comment! We'd love to have them!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your baby bump in person next weekend! I love the blog and I know you will enjoy looking back on this time to remember how you felt and what you did. - Baby Boy Burris' Aunt Katie
