Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First Steps!


     Jeffrey's been using his walker toys a lot more and is getting really good at going around corners and maneuvering out of jams. He been standing on his own, raising up from a squat for a couple of weeks now. For the past few days, I've been encouraging him to take steps. Tonight while I was cooking dinner, he finally did! He stood for a second and I asked him if he could step, step and he took three great steps, so I grabbed my camera and caught the next three! Yay! He was very proud of himself and excited, (maybe because I was jumping up and down!) When Brant got home, the first thing he did, with a big smile on his face was to proudly show his dad three more steps. So sweet.
     He's been doing something new almost everyday. He's learned how to drink from a regular cup without spilling, (or at least come away mostly dry!) He's down to only a bottle in the morning and at night. He has shaken his head "no" for about 2 months and now he's nodding "yes," which makes things SO much easier. He says more "words" and sounds, "that" used to be his favorite while pointing to things and now "dogmbe" has turned to "gabme," which he says a lot. We don't know what this means, but it's a popular one. There are so many other little things too! A huge improvement in my day is that he now sleeps for about 11 hours at night! Life is so good. I'm just so proud of my little man!

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