Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fiesta y Mas!

     Viva Fiesta! We celebrated Fiesta by going to the King William Fair with Gigi. We got there very early, watched the wonderful parade, (the best because it's smaller, relaxed and fun,) ate gorditas and fish tacos and wondered around the art booths. 

Go Spurs Go! Thanks Kristina for this precious outfit! We needed it! Great timing! 
Couples night out-great fun with some of our new friends, other baby boy mamas and daddies
 Gigi got a pool for Jeffrey. We watched him splash and splash, squat, stand and sit!

 One of our sweet church friends gave Jeffrey this lamb that plays "Jesus Loves Me." In the past month, he's been pointing to it, "asking" me to get it down off the shelf almost daily. He gives it (and all of his stuffed animals and puppets,) a HUGE hug and buries his face in them when he gets them. This one seems to be his favorite. We sing "Jesus Loves Me" with it every night and I finally let him sleep with it. Now he sleeps with it every night and every nap. His bedtime friend. So sweet.
     I picked up a gift card at a spa for a friend that is going through a hard time and took Jeffrey in with me. There was nice, calming spa music on and he sang his little heart out while waiting patiently. They loved it,...(I think!...I sure did! Precious, melt my heart!)

Lacey Love
Lacey's water bowl love
 Great fake smile for the camera...
 Loving to climb up here-had to get one pick, no more! Ha!
Who needs a pack-n-play? Best play pen is here while Mama gets dressed!
 Watching the deer after a walk with our buddies
 Huggin' it out. Sweet boys.
 These were hard to take. Blame it on Aunt Shari! It was her idea!

 Spurs watching party

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