Sunday, February 14, 2016

Jeffrey's New Role

     Jeffrey is a wonderful big brother! He asks about "Baby Ty" when he wakes up and loves to give him kisses and help fetch things, (slower than Ty and I would sometimes like! ha.) He says, "I want to look at Baby Ty" and "I love Ty." a lot. He wants to be on our laps when we are holding Ty and we try to accommodate both of them as much as we can. He has had a few difficult moments and times where I knew I could not leave them both in the same room. One of the first nights we were home with the baby, I went very quickly to Jeffrey's bedroom to get his pajama pants while leaving him in our room with Ty asleep in the bassinet part of the pack-n-play. When I came back, Jeff's feet were in the pack-n-play and body on our bed like he was climbing in. He immediately looked guilty and said, "I didn't do that." I told him I saw him and asked what he was doing and he replied, "Oh, I was just putting my feet on him." Since then, rocking the "rock-n-play" sleeper has become more gentle, but there have been many statements that begin with, "I was just...(excuse.)" He is a very clever little boy. He gets a mischievous look in his eye as he turns his head sideways with big eyes. He tries to sit in the baby car seat and bouncy seat, has tried a pacifier and has taken over two of Ty's new stuffed animals...just a bit jealous. He tells me I need to put the baby down in his crib or on the couch so I can hold him and he wants to be held a lot. I LOVE HOLDING MY JEFFREY and will soak it in because I know it won't always be this way. I try to say out loud, "Wait Ty, I'm helping Jeffrey now," or "It's Jeffrey's turn," a lot. It is difficult to be home with both boys all day when feeding Ty every 2-3 hours. I am learning to juggle it and to keep everyone happy as much as possible. Overall, I think Jeffrey is doing well with this huge adjustment and I do know it will be good for all of us.
     I was concerned about his adjusting, so I emailed his teacher to get her thoughts:
"Many congratulations on your new blessing!!! Polly, Jeffrey is doing great. We talk about brother Ty, he loves him. He told me he helps you with baby brother and that he is a big brother. It has been great because he is having longer conversations when we are one on one. He also is doing great playing with his friends. Doing great in holding hands with a friend when walking to chapel and when we walk outside to the playground. He still covers his little ears when it gets loud at chapel but sometimes it gets really loud so don't worry. He really gets involve in dancing and singing at chapel. Jeffrey is doing really well with his art work and saying the alphabet, colors, numbers and shapes with the class. I understand that it is hard for little ones to adjust to a big change like a new brother or sister but you don't have anything to worry about. He talks about his brother with a smile on his face. Take care and hope to meat brother Ty soon!!!"
A few little things I jotted down from the past month or so:
  • WHAT THAT WAS? (What was that?)
  • Dad at dinner: "We speak English. What language do you speak?" Jeff: "Lightning McQueen"
  • While picking up the remote control I said, "Let's see how Baylor is doing." He said, "Let's see how Cars 1 is doing!" 
  • The day before Tyler was born, he could feel it coming and had heard conversations. When I dropped him off at school, he BURST into tears. The teacher told me one of the other kid's mother was being induced that week and he did the exact same thing that morning!
  • Cars now have competition with Paw Patrol Pups, the latest favorite!

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