Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thank you, Mom for a special gift

My mom brought a scrapbook over the other day that she made when I was a baby. It's not my baby book, it's just a scrapbook of letters and cards family and friends wrote when I was born. While Jeffrey is napping today, I finally sat down and read it all. It was the most enjoyable experience I've had in a while! I mean, full on letters updating what each person or family was doing and asking questions of my parents, sending actual messages of love, concern and care. It makes me sad that we don't hand write letters to people as much anymore. Although I try to, it's becoming less and less. I do think there is something very important about those words on actual paper that can be saved for years and years without changing formats or technology to view it! Thank you, Mom for collecting these special words from special people, many of whom are gone now. It really meant a lot to me today.

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