Sunday, December 16, 2012

Slow Down

100 days until due date!
Brant's company party was Friday night. The elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut happened on Friday morning. The party had a damper on it for sure. I couldn't tell if it was the because of the news of the day or if something was going on within the company/family that no one else was aware of. 
I can't stop thinking about all the people in CT affected by the shooting and what that would be like at my school. I am on the safety committee and have to review all the possibilities and plans each year. It's always a scary meeting to think of the what ifs. The teachers in that school did exactly as they were trained and although it probably did save some lives, still so many died. It sickens me. What else can we do? At least in other public places there are people around carrying concealed handguns with license to hold them and other possible outside protection. I might be an overbearing mama bear with our little one! I know it's like plane crashes, so rare. I just doesn't make sense. Not an accident like a plane crash. So incredibly evil.
Brant and I have decided we will go ahead and put the hardwood flooring in before March. We've been wanting to since we moved in, but keep putting it off and saving our moola. We're also going to go ahead and get new furniture in the living room. I'm glad Brant wants to do these things. And I think he's glad that I would be happy to keep what we have! We're a great balance for each other. We did a little furniture and floor shopping last night. (All our Christmas shopping is done and it's nice not to have to beat those crowds.) We ate at Macaroni Grill, one of our regular spots-at the bar, (Brant thinks it is funny to do this with his pregnant wife, but you get better service, so we continue!) I get these rushes of just being so happy. One of these happened on the way home from dinner. Full belly, holding my love's hand, looking at Christmas lights driving through the neighborhood, looking forward to the future.
Good omelet and fruit breakfast today, more flooring shopping, relaxing at home this afternoon and pot roast. Life is so good and so precious. It's nice to slow down and appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow under the 100 days count! =)
    Great pics, love the one of you and Brant

    I am headed to Houston on Friday, and back in Dallas on the 26th.. I can't remember the last Christmas I spent in Houston, should be fun!
    Will you be coming up on the 28th?
