Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ty's Word List

Ty is ZOOMING along, learning new words every day. I was a little concerned because at his 18 month check up, he only knew 6-8 words but now, at 20 months, uses many more! This, being a "baby book" for them, I'm keeping track here!
At 18 mo:
Dada (first word)
Dog (dah)
Ball (bah)
Cat (cah)
Jeffrey (eye-eye)
Mo (More)
(also, monkey sounds, ooh ah and dog sound, nnn, nnn, nnn)

In addition, 20 month words:
No (nah, ...which is really cute)
Banana (nana)
Bye bye
Hello (hey-oh)
Nigh-nigh (goodnight)
Mine (mah, sounds like his more, slightly different)
Wa-wa (water and watermelon)
A-ooh (thank you)
Shyesh (yes) Still mostly just does the huge nod
Animal sounds-Dog, (ar and nnn, nnn, nnn-from a book) monkey, cow, bear and lion growling sounds

He still uses a lot of guttural/back of throat noises instead of words.
He calls all the men we see "Dada" and all the women "Mama," I say, "is that your Daddy?" He laughs and nods yes and I say, "no, but it might be someone else's daddy/mama!"
Ty never meets a stranger, which is so opposite from Jeff. He loves to make friends and talk to people everywhere we go. Also, EVERYWHERE we go, many people comment on his beautiful hair.
He is SUCH a daredevil and tries to do exactly whatever Jeff is doing, much of the time getting hurt, but gets back up and tries again! He loves to swing high on the tire swing (saying, "Woah, woah!") and doesn't want to swing on the baby swing much anymore.
He loves to point out things we talk about in books or relate them to things he has done, (Kite, points outside, what is this, while I point andhe says, "nana," "Do you like to eat bananas?" Nods "yes"
Learning every day!!!

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