Saturday, October 31, 2015


We had another happy Halloween at Gigi's house! Jeffrey loved trick-or-treating and asked if we could do it again as soon as we got in the car to go home. We went to a friend's costume birthday party in the morning and learned that we need to wear costumes that allow more movement in the future! Ha! He was not able to bounce in the bounce house in his costume and ended up not wearing it at all. We had a great day and night!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Fun Fall Days!

Day with the Drex girls

Zoo Day with Daddy!

Train ride
our neighborhood park
Chubby cheeks at 26 weeks!
Playing with Gigi while I'm at the doctor

Fishing at our park

Dog-sitting Daisy

Lunch in the shopping cart! (This is very rare.)

New Children's Museum
Vet Jeff, just like Doc!

Relaxed before a nap at Gigi's house

 Flu shot? No problem!!!
 At Play and Learn Group

 Pic John came across while going through some of Dad's old computer drives, (Mimi, me and Aunt Jen)
 Library Toddler Time, J is NOT shy anymore! He sings, does the motions, asks and answers questions

Breakfast with Gigi before the Do-seum