Sunday, November 30, 2014


    We had a very fun Thanksgiving at Uncle Biff and Aunt Cindy's ranch. Jeffrey got to pet a calf and chickens, watch a pet raccoon, ride a real horse, play on a buggy, ride a toy horse and toy tractor. We ate a lot and had a great visit with the new little ones and all the rest in our family! We went to Pearsall to decorate Lolly's tree on Friday and came home yesterday. We are so thankful for our families. 
Jeffrey is calling Grandpa "Pa"
Jeffrey and London Ann, 15 months
Babies and their daddies

Hanging with the boys, watching the raccoon


Lolly's grand and great grandKIDS-only 

Playing with Nathan
Checkin' the place out with Gram
Hanging with the men

Monday, November 10, 2014

Es Goot

     We had a great family weekend. Saturday we went for a walk to our park and shopped around at the neighborhood rummage sale, then hit up some garage sales. That afternoon, we went to a friend's birthday party at Morgan's Wonderland. We played on the pirate playground, fished, rode the train and celebrated Caleb's three years. Brant and I watched Lone Survivor Saturday night-so good. We've been watching more movies on the weekends than ever. It's fantastic!
I'll always remember how sweet Caleb was, watching and listening to everyone singing happy birthday to him. He totally "got it!" 

     Sunday at church, Jeffrey walked right up to the nursery with a smile on his face, walked off and started playing with the toys and kids. I was giddy with relief! Toward the end of the service, I saw him peeking at me through the window, gently tapping his little finger on the glass, watching the people in the service. He had gotten tired and started asking for Mama, so Debbie took him for a walk to talk about the paintings and see where Mama was. He did so well. He is doing great during my Bible study on Wednesday mornings there too. I led the last one, so it was a relief that he was happy and they didn't have to text me that he was "red faced!" On busy days, he's only taking one nap- we just can't be cutting into the day so much with so much to do and learn!
     Last week, we had 2 great play dates. One was at a friend's house, making a craft and playing and one was playing in a quiet cul-de-sac in the BEAUTIFUL weather. Being around kids so much is so incredibly good. Jeffrey is usually so calm and shares nicely. At the cul-de-sac play, he fell in love with someone else's Thomas train push-toy and did not want to share at all. This is the first of many fits in learning to share, I'm sure.

 Very interested in the neighbor's shiny moving van

     We were at Home Goods and he picked up a stuffed animal zebra. He kissed it and carried it around the whole time we were there. He was loving this "zaza." Before we left, I made him put it back with the other zazas and animals and we told him goodbye. He didn't like that, but we went on out of the store. Our car was very far, so I put him down and we started walking on the sidewalk. I saw the moment he realized Zaza was not coming with us. He started to cry for Zaza and turned back around to go get him, pointing to the door. This was the first time he's really wanted something and couldn't have it, the first time I really wanted to go in and buy the sweet little toy to make Jeffrey happy. But I did not. I picked him up and we went on home. I heard about Zaza for 2 hours straight. Then when I thought he forgot, I'd be changing his diaper or something and "Zaza! Zaza!" I actually called Brant and told him if he wanted to be a hero that he could swing by and pick up the darn zebra, but we decided he must learn he can't get everything he wants in life. He may see ZaZa on Christmas morning, we'll see. Hard, man!
  Jeffrey nods his head while eating various things and declares, "es goot." He does this at least once at each meal now. I'm so glad he likes to eat. He will eat ANYTHING! He actually asks for olives when the refrigerator door opens. Not black, mild olives. HUGE, strong, green olives. He also likes kalamata olives. Crazy. He blows on his food before eating it just in case it is hot and he is using a fork incredibly well. He wants to drink out of a cup and asks for water in cups from the cabinet a lot. He can physically drink from a cup, but at the high chair, he puts food in it and not in the chair, he spills it on purpose. He loves to play in spilled water and still loves to empty Lacey's water bowls and try to lap it up like a dog. He gets lots of extra baths this way. Our favorite word he says right now is "horse." He pronounces it so clearly with a little lisp.
 He loves this little prize, "Wow," the elephant Amanda brought him last weekend. He sings and dances. At first, he was afraid of it, (like his peek-a-boo bear Kristina gave him,) but after seeing Alyssa enjoy it at the river, he decided it wasn't so bad and now he carries him everywhere!
 He puts on his hats anytime he sees them. This is the favorite for now. Alyssa gave it to him for Christmas last year.

     I am continually thankful for my simple life and my job. I do miss all the rock-star attention and hugs I used to get from my precious students. I now get paid in kisses and cuddles and the reward of seeing this one kid learn so much everyday. Es so goot.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Family River Party 2014

     We had another great river party at Doc's River. He sure would have enjoyed all of us being there. We ate Mom's delicious chili and good food everyone brought. We sang with and listened to Kent's entertainment around the campfire and laughed a lot. It was a fun visit.





     Before the river, we went to see Hannah's volleyball team play and they are SO good. It was really fun to watch and you can see how the girls on her team care about each other and are truly a team.