We started the week with our friends in a class at the zoo called Zootennial Buddies. There was a read aloud, some center activities and we got to meet two snakes.
Jeffrey and I haven't been feeling very well this week and took it slow and did a lot of playing at home.
More bear crawl up the driveway!
playing with Lacey
He thinks it's funny to put different objects on his head. I thought this one was particularly cute.
Picnic in the front yard
Getting good on his "bike!"
We ended the week in an wonderful way, watching Lainey STAR in The Wizard of Oz. She was the Wicked Witch and completely stole the show!!! She amazes all of us with her ease of being on stage. Her voice and comedic timing are way beyond her years! Good show, Lainey! You definitely "shine shined!!!"
Last Thursday, we had a nice night out at Brant's company's 50th anniversary party. Then on Friday, J and I went with Gigi to the Magik Theater to see Pinocchio. J-bird relaxed in my lap and watched the whole show! Great audience member, clapping and laughing. When Pinocchio went into the whale's mouth to save his father, Jeffrey said loudly, in a quiet moment, "Dada!" All the field trip kids turned around and stared at us. Funny stuff. After the show we went to Rosario's for lunch and to the San Antonio Museum of Art where J enjoyed growling at the wildlife exhibit as well as some of the other artwork! It was another great San Antonio day!