In honor of my birthday week, I thought I'd write a post solely about me! I'm sure I am leaving out some big events, but these are just a few interesting little things I've done in my 36 years on this planet.
I call it, "Have you ever..."
Have you ever slid down the Spanish Steps in Rome, Laughed so hard in your hot tub full of your best girl friends, Picnicked at the Eiffel Tower, Waded in the creek behind your house, Gone on a midnight drive to the Jordan River, Been named after your grandmother who is praised for her gracefulness, graciousness and greatness, Eaten pistachio ice cream in Piazza Navona with your mom, then the next time you were there, in honor of your mom, Cleaned a monkey's teeth with your dad, Gone barefoot at your wedding, Seen the Rosetta Stone, Sang on top of a piano in front of a crowd, Snuck your brother in to spend the night in your dorm room, Seen the Roman baths in Bath, Laid in bed with someone you love who is dying, Ridden on a double-decker bus to work, Had to force feed your newborn baby, Taken a bubble bath in Jamaica, Randomly run into your best-buddy cousin in New Orleans, Considered not attending a good friend's wedding, Ridden a camel on the Mount of Olives, Been on the night watchmen's tour in Rothenburg, Bought a house because of the amazing 50 oak trees on the lot, Had amazing ribs in Bruges, Ridden a gondola up to Gimmelwald, Sat on the beach all day in Cinque Terre, Requested (and received) Guantanamera from a mariachi band in Rome, Peed in the bushes with a respectful old lady in Joppa, Had homemade noodles right down the street from THE Coliseum, Swung on the swing at the Old San Francisco Steak House, Floated in the Dead Sea, Made a slideshow using no computer or slides, Caught three bride's bouquets, Drank a beer in the Swiss Alps, Borrowed your sister's wedding veil, Sang with a bachelor party in Antwerp, Taught your best friend to drive stick shift, Gotten a ride with a waitress down to town from a castle, Modeled and been in a major magazine, Changed your own oil, Quit your job because you didn't believe what you were having to do was right, Danced at the disco by the Jordan River where thousands of Christian pilgrims are baptized by day, Had to perform the Heimlich maneuver, Shaken hands with or given a hug to 22 six year olds on a daily basis, Tried to write a book, Been to Stratford-Upon-Avon, Given a painting you painted as a gift, Ridden in the back of an OLD mini cooper for the "short" trip to Brighton beach, Played the tambourine at a friend's wedding, Been to St. Paul's Cathedral with your grandparents, Had a frozen roast slide out of the freezer and break your toe, Looked up at the Twin Towers from the street below, Dated a guy in a foreign country, Sang karaoke in Hollywood with a group of people from all over the United States, Walked to work, Given a kid their first ice cream cone, Searched for a certain foot sculpture with your mom in Rome, Heard the Jewish fishermen sing
Shout to the Lord on their boat on the Sea of Galilee, Made cookies and not tasted one, Ridden a bike through Amsterdam, Read the same book to or done the same lesson with 8 classes of kindergarteners, Gone on a carriage ride through Central Park, Helped couples choose their wedding bands, Had to tell a friend about something you wish you hadn't seen, Heard "It's a lot smaller than I thought it would be," in many different languages while viewing the Mona Lisa, Had a couples massage the day after you got married, Hiked up to the castle in Koblenz, Ordered snakes for your classroom, Given yourself shots daily, Had your dad get bit by a gerbil in a room full of five year olds while doing a veterinary talk, Been to a gay beach with your mom who wanted to buy matching rainbow striped towels, Played in the same woods your dad played in as a child, Had to break an engagement, Seen the original London cast of Les Miserables, Nursed your baby proudly at the mall, Taken the night train to Barcelona from Paris, Been to a bullfight in Spain, Gone on an adventure with a new Hebrew friend in Tiberius, Driven up to Jerusalem, arriving at sunset to the strange sounds of the ancient city, Lost someone who is extremely important in your life and life is never the same again, Sung
Silent Night and
Away in a Manger while IN the manger at Bethlehem, Made dinner on your anniversary wearing your wedding dress, Shared communion overlooking Jerusalem and near the Garden Tomb, Gotten your Master's Degree, Celebrated the New Year with total strangers in a foreign city, Read a favorite, funny poem to a class of six year olds a gazillion times, Walked the Snake Path down from Masada, Watched your grandmother sleep, Sung your high school song with the person who wrote it while on a boat from Burano to Venice, Sung Amazing Grace in Paul's prison cell, loved more than you ever though possible... WELL, have you?
Just a few-I'm sure I'll think of more!