Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The best, most important job in the world!

As all the little kiddies started school this week, I am feeling a little strange not going back. I am LOVING my new job and get to see all that Jeffrey learns every day. This is the job I have always wanted. It is the best and most important job in the world. God is so good-August was my last paycheck, Brant got a promotion last week and we are refinancing our house at a lower rate. Everything is falling into place!
Brant took some great pictures of us this past weekend...

And some Daddy love...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Previous Adventure

5 years ago, Brant and I were living out an entirely different adventure in Europe. We are so glad we took the opportunity to travel when we had it. Now we see others traveling (or even tubing on the river and going to concerts lately!) and we say, "We had plenty of opportunities to do that and we are so glad we took those opportunities!" I'm very fortunate to have a husband who is adventurous and will do unordinary things with me! He continues to surprise me with his ideas and plans for the future and I am totally on board!



Thursday, August 15, 2013


B   M   S
  U    P     #5     Bumps in the road of life!

I haven't written a "BUMPS" post since Jeffrey was born. It was originally little things that happened while I was pregnant with a belly bump, but from now on, it'll be just the ups and down of life!

  • While waiting at the cranium specialist, a 5 year old boy saw me cover up and try to feed Jeffrey. He said, "WHAT are you doing???" I told him. He had 20 questions about it and I answered! His baby brother and sister that were being seen (twins) obviously eat from bottles! The funniest questions were, "Is he gonna be sick because he's eating from you?" and then, "Do you need to go to the store?" 
  • An older couple stopped us while in line at La Madeline and admired Jeffrey in his sling. They asked me if I call it a papoose. They thought it was so cute how Jeffrey was sucking his thumb. I told them the thumb sucking was very new. On their way out, they came by our table to say goodbye to the new thumb sucker. My dad, Brant's mom and my sister were all big time, long time thumb suckers!
  • 2 old ladies stopped by our table on their way out at La Madeline. One said, "Aren't thumb suckers the best babies?" I replied, "He JUST started sucking his thumb!" One of them told me she had a thumb sucker and back then a nurse told her to tie a ribbon to his wrist and attach is with a pi to his clothes so his thumb couldn't reach his mouth. She said it cured him of thumb sucking in three days!
  • An older man with a foreign accent stopped us in the produce section at the grocery store. Jeffrey was in his sling. The man said, "Is this how you were originally?" Ha-how was I supposed to respond to that!
Emergency diaper change. Brant said, "Whatever you do, DON'T get it on my truck!"

Brant calls this his Ralphie pajamas

We don't use this anymore, but I think this is a funny picture of the "straight jacket" as Brant says, (swaddle called a Wombie.) He's not glaring at me, it's just that the flash was bright...okay, maybe he's glaring at me!
He just found his toes after his nap today!
It didn't take him long to try to stick them in his mouth!
After bath time in his new towel from Aunt Laura!

Related to Cousin Patrick


Monday, August 12, 2013

5 Months Old!

Jeffrey is 5 months old! On his 5 month birthday, he slept better than he has in a very long time, 8 hours, then 4 hours! (This is a really big deal for mamma!) He is so much fun, laughing, talking, singing, getting our attention, flirting, reaching. Recently, he stares at other people's hands and tries to put my hand in his mouth. He tried bananas mixed in his cereal yesterday. He seems to enjoy the cereal more and more and perhaps it is making him sleep better, even though the doctor and books say that is a myth! He also went swimming for the first time at his first children's birthday party this past weekend!

Ready to go swimming at Taylor Turtle's Birthday Party!