Our appointment was Monday and it was amazing! Brant and I both had many questions for the ultrasound tech, (of course, I had a ton for the doctor too.) The u/s tech took about 30 minutes measuring and looking. I kept saying, "This is amazing!" I know most mothers are as excited as if it is the first baby ever born, but I really do think it is extra special or somehow different for us because we were so scared we weren't ever going to get here! I am enjoying it so much. Baby Burris is doing very well, 71st percentile, 12 ounces as of now. We are SO BLESSED.
Numbered pictures:
1. During the ultrasound Brant noticed how long his toes looked, "He has my toes!" I missed what he saw, so the tech tried to get the foot again and the baby was so active, he could hardly catch it again. You can see the bones of the foot in this one, as well as the spine and jaw.
2. "I'm a boy" shot.
3. Better boy view. I like the shin bones with legs bent and the tiny butt cheeks.
4. I just love this one. I think it looks playful. He almost sucked his thumb while we watched-kept putting his hand up to his face.
This is what halfway looks like for us on the outside!
I can feel him now and KNOW it is him.
Great feeling.